Friday, January 31, 2014

Ch 14 - Bring Unto Me

Three men in the bed during winter kept them warm all night long.  But it was the morning when it felt too good for any of them to want to get out of bed.  They were usually up by 6:30 in the morning, but even if they had to get up to use the bathroom each of them returned to the bed and got back under the covers.

On Saturday mornings if Spencer stayed over he ended up in bed with them sometimes, especially when it was cold.

Shoulder to shoulder the four of them stared up at the ceiling.

“Did you know Walter wears a diaper?” Darrell asked.

“Yeah,” Triston replied.  “We tried it out one night.  It was his idea.  He saw it online and wanted to see what it was like.”

“He wore it when he took me to my mother’s place to help her.  It was kind of weird.”

“How did you find out?” Bobby asked.

“By accident when he was filling the car tire with air.  It was right there peeking out at me.  I thought it was funny at first but then it started to worry me.”

“Did you say anything?”

“I had to say something, but I tried to be polite.  I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t going to be weird for my mother.  He was really nice though, made it easy.  She liked him.”

“That’s good,” Triston said.  “That reminds me, he wants to have a birthday party here.”

“Birthday party?  What are we talking about?” Darrell asked.

“Two weeks from now, on a Friday, he wants to have a sleepover,” Triston said.

“Sleepover?  Like we’re twelve years old?” Darrell asked.

“Like we’re friends, male friends, all hanging out together.  There will be drinks and snacks.  He wants to have a marathon of some kind.  Either a television show or some movies, maybe horror movies.”

“Sounds kind of lame,” Spencer said.

“He doesn’t have any friends.  I thought it would be okay.  It’s a Friday night.”

“Just remind me,” Darrell said.

“I’ll probably be there,” Bobby said.

“Are we getting him presents?” Spencer asked.

“Something small, if it’s not too much,” Triston said.

“Maybe some more diapers?” Darrell asked.

Everyone fell silent at the question, at the dilemma.  Each of them had not known Walter very long.  He was likable but young, unpredictable.  There was a shift from person to person, a movement of a hand, a foot, but a like minded comfort.

“I got a new job,” Bobby said.

“What?  Where?” Spencer asked.

“The Unicorn, I’m going to be a stripper slash go-go boy,” Bobby said.

“It makes sense now,” Triston said.

“What’s that?” Bobby asked.

“Why you’ve been going to the gym more these last two weeks.  I thought it was your new boyfriend.  How is he?  Are you going to tell him?”

“No commitments,” Bobby said.  “I’m going to tell him, eventually, but there’s a lot of things he doesn’t know, like about us, this.”

“What’s wrong with this?” Spencer asked.

“A lot of people would be confused,” Darrell said.

“So, dancing around in your undies?  What made you interested?”

“I think it will be fun.  It’s a good way to make cash and I don’t plan to ever run for public office in my future.  Plus, I mean I have enough selfies online that are just as revealing.”

“Besides by then it will be no big deal.  Eventually we’ll have a female president who posted pictures online of herself doing bong hits and keg stands,” Darrell said.

“Exactly,” Bobby said.

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