Friday, January 31, 2014

Ch 06 - The Third Wheel

Triston was on the sofa.  Bobby and Darrell sat in front of the television cooperatively playing a video game.  Spencer was in the kitchen mixing cocktails.

“Hey Triston, I heard you have a date,” Spencer said.

“Friday night and I’m probably going to need the apartment.”

“No problem we’ll just be out drinking and having fun,” Spencer said.  “Maybe if we come home early we can see him leaving.  What’s he like anyway?”

“Is this the guy you met at the shop?” Bobby asked.

“What’s this?” Darrell asked.  “You met him where you work?”

“He came in with some friends.  He was the gay one.  It was kind of cute.  The friends were a heterosexual couple.  She was clinging to the guy as they looked at stuff.  This guy distanced himself immediately, kept passing by the gay section taking little peeks.”

“How old is he?”

“Legal age,” Triston said.  “Nineteen actually, I got to check his photo ID.”

“Spring chicken,” Darrell said.

Bobby elbowed Darrell and laughed a little.

“It was kind of weird.  I felt him looking at me the whole time.  I’ve had college students in there before but mostly they laugh at the size of the dildos, point at things like the dog masks, but it’s harmless.  I can tell they’re more embarrassed than anything else. 

“The only ones who usually buy things are girlfriends with straight or bisexual boyfriends but it’s not like they have a lot of money to spend.  One time we had some fraternity brothers in there.  I think it was a dare or maybe for some hazing party.  They each bought a masturbation aid then some other things.”

“Get to the point,” Darrell said.
“My point is that he’s like six years younger than me.”

“Seven,” Spencer said.

“Okay ten years younger than Spencer,” Triston said.

“Hey everyone knows my age,” Spencer said.

“And we still love you,” Bobby said.

“What’s he like?”

“Brave, maybe a little shy,” Triston said.  “The couple were hanging on each other and the girlfriend is the one looking.  She shows her boyfriend some gay porn and some dildos.  I can tell he’s keeping his cool about the whole thing but it doesn’t interest him.  The friend though, I can see it’s bothering him.  They tried to get his attention but he kept his distance.  The couple gets some things: a cock ring, some clips, and lubricant.  She pays, takes the bag and her boyfriend out of the store.  To make a long story short-”

“Too late,” Spencer said before sampling his drink.

“The friend, my date, is left behind on his own.  Finally he picks out some gay porn and a small toy.  He’s standing there as I’m ringing it up and I break the ice with some joke.  He laughs and I can tell everything is better.  He starts to get comfortable with me.  We start talking about cartoons.  He says he’s watching clips of these ones from the 90’s online.  I’m starting to feel old-”

“Too late,” Bobby said.

“Well I was feeling old when he asks me out, like on a date.  I don’t know what he’s thinking.”

“He’s thinking you know how everything works,” Spencer said.  “Do you remember what it was like at that age?”

“Yeah, but things are different now,” Triston said.  “I don’t know.  It’s all kind of weird.  I mean when I was his age I would have dated an older guy who was my age but I felt mature for my age.  I don’t know.”

“You’re officially a creepy old man,” Bobby said.

“When do we get to meet him?” Darrell asked.

“Probably never, I’m going to take it slow with him,” Triston said.

“You have to introduce us,” Spencer said.

Triston thought about what he was going to say for a second before he spoke.

“We’re not even that far apart in age but he probably has all of these preconceptions about sex and kink.  There is a lot of good information out there but he could also have some high expectations.”

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